
Claudine Wilde the reference for personalized support in the PACA region

Specialist in deep tissue massage, ayurvedic relaxation, slimming drainage, sports massage and massage for mothers-to-be in Sausset-les-Pins

Ayurvedic massage near Marignane and Sausset-les-Pins

Discover the ancient benefits of Ayurvedic massage, offered by your specialist Claudine Wilde. Practiced near Marignane and Sausset-les-Pins, this traditional Indian massage uses natural oils and specific techniques to revitalize the body and soothe the mind. Ideal for eliminating stress, improving circulation and boostingimmunity, each session is an invitation to an inner journey. Let yourself be transported into a state of deep relaxation and enjoy perfect harmony between body and mind. Book your moment of relaxation and begin your journey to total well-being.

Abhyanga Ayurvedic massage

To find out more about the benefits and prices, click below.

Absolute relaxation Signature massage

To find out more about the benefits and prices, click below.

Special massages

Massage Le Nirvana

Absolute relaxation for body & mind

Massage Le Nirvana

To find out more about the benefits and prices, click below.

Slimming drainage massage

To find out more about the benefits and prices, click below.

Slimming drainage massage or deep-tissue energizing massage near Sausset-les-Pins and Marignane

I use advanced techniques to optimize the results of my draining massages. Our unique approach guarantees maximum efficiency and optimum comfort for all my customers.

Use of cryotherapeutic gels: These gels, inspired by cryotherapy, significantly improve the effectiveness of massages, firm the skin and reduce inflammation for a more beneficial experience.

Palpate-roll and friction technique: This method combines palpate-roll and friction to break down fat cells and stimulate blood circulation, thus reducing inches and improving skin texture.

Mother-to-be massage in Carry-le-Rouet

This service is particularly beneficial for alleviating body aches and tensions accumulated during pregnancy.

Using gentle, tailored techniques, this massage aims to improve the physical and emotional well-being of pregnant women. Your masseuse in Carry-le-Rouet is dedicated to providing a soothing and revitalizing experience.

Your experienced practitioner uses proven methods to reduce back tension and relieve heavy legs.

Book now to enjoy the benefits of a relaxing massage and experience a more serene and comfortable pregnancy.

Relaxing mother-to-be massage

To find out more about the benefits and prices, click below.


To find out more about the benefits and prices, click below.

Back massage

To find out more about the benefits and prices, click below.

Face and scalp

To find out more about the benefits and prices, click below.

Foot Reflexology

To find out more about the benefits and prices, click below.

Hawaiian lomi-lomi massage

To find out more about the benefits and prices, click below.

Children's massage (from age 5)

To find out more about the benefits and prices, click below.

Kobido (Japanese origin) for the head and face

To find out more about the benefits and prices, click below.

Massage, nutrition coaching and weight loss packages

Treat yourself to a complete makeover with our tailor-made packages in Carry-le-Rouet. Whether you want to relax your body with a personalized massageoptimize your diet with nutritional coachingor achieve your weight lossClaudine Wilde is there to guide you. Our packages combine these services to provide you with a holistic approach to well-being. Each program is designed to meet your specific needs, helping you feel better, inside and out. Transform your life today!

2H30 Fit & Relax Pack

1h30 Nutritional assessment + 1h Massage. To find out the price, just click below.

Package of 5 Massages of 1h30

To find out the price, just click below.

Package of 5 1-hour massages

To find out the price, just click below.

Prestige Pack 3H30

1h30 nutritional assessment + 1h sport + 1h massage.
For prices, please click below.

1H50 Relax and Fit Pack

1h massage + 50mn sport. To find out the price, just click below.

Baby massage training

To find out more about the benefits and prices, click below.

Baby massage in Carry-le-Rouet - Claudine Wilde

My baby massage sessions are designed to promote relaxation, improve circulation and strengthen your child’s immune system.

As an experienced professional, I use techniques adapted to babies’ specific needs, ensuring a safe and pleasant experience.

I welcome you to a calm and serene environment in Carry-le-Rouet, conducive to relaxation and well-being.

Treat your baby to the benefits of a relaxing massage and discover together moments of complicity and tranquillity.

Any questions?

Ayurvedic massage comes from Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicine. This massage technique uses adapted essential oils and specific movements to activate marma points, essential for the circulation of energy in the body.
The benefits of this type of massage are many: it reduces cellulite and refines the silhouette, detoxifies the body, improves blood and lymph circulation, and offers deep relaxation. It also contributes to a better quality of sleep, creates a state of calm and serenity, reduces back pain and headaches, and eliminates stress. Ayurvedic massage is therefore an excellent choice for those seeking to improve their overall well-being in a natural, holistic way. for all your maintenance and repair needs.

Lymphatic drainage massage is a remarkable technique for sculpting the figure and refining the body.
By stimulating lymphatic circulation, this gentle massage promotes efficient elimination of toxins and excess fluids, helping to visibly reduce edema and swelling.
This targeted action is particularly valued for its slimming potential, as it helps combat water retention, optimizing body contours and refining the silhouette.
In addition to its aesthetic benefits, lymphatic drainage massage is beneficial for improving post-operative healing and boosting the immune system. It is also recommended for people with chronic fatigue or those recovering from illness. The light, rhythmic movements of this technique not only purify the body; they also provide a deep sense of relaxation, enhancing overall well-being.

Choosing to treat yourself to a wellness massage is beneficial in many ways. This type of massage helps to significantly reduce stress and anxiety, improve blood circulation, release muscular tension and increase flexibility. It also provides a state of deep relaxation, improving daily mood and energy.
By regularly incorporating wellness massage into your routine, you’re taking a proactive step towards maintaining and improving your overall health and well-being.

How to find me

Find me in Carry-le-Rouet and throughout the PACA region, from Marseille to Aix-en-Provence.
I welcome you to my wellness center or come to your home for personalized massage sessions, sports coaching and nutritional consultations.
Book an appointment easily via Cfixé or contact me directly.

Massage Ayurvédique Abhyanga

Enveloppant et décontractant, dissipant les contractures. Un mélange de technique du monde couplé avec l’expertise kinésithérapeute pour un massage complet.


  • Massage Ayurvédique Abhyanga 1h00
    98,00 €
  • Massage Ayurvédique Abhyanga 1h30
  • Massage Ayurvédique Abhyanga 2h00

Massage Signature détente absolue

Multisensoriel, enveloppant, fluide, précis, énergétique, relaxant ou tonique, vous trouverez dans ce soin sur mesure la quintessence de toutes mes techniques.


  • Massage Signature détente absolue 1h30
    139,00 €
  • Massage Signature détente absolue 2h00

Massage Le Nirvana

Détente absolue du corps & de l’esprit


  • 1h00
    89,00 €
  • 1h30
    139 €

Massage drainant amincissant

Les bienfaits du massage drainant à Carry-le-Rouet

Découvrez les vertus exceptionnelles de nos massages spécialisés à Sausset-les-Pins. Le massage drainant amincissant réduit la cellulite et affine votre silhouette, tandis que le massage ayurvédique favorise la relaxation et améliore la qualité de sommeil. Notre technique anticellulite détoxifie et booste la circulation sanguine et lymphatique, apportant calme et sérénité. Ces soins apaisent également les douleurs dorsales et les maux de tête, tout en éliminant le stress. Offrez-vous une expérience de bien-être profond et régénérant.


  • Massage drainant amincissant 1h00
    130,00 €
  • Massage drainant amincissant 1h30

Massage relaxant femme enceinte

Bienfaits du massage pour Future maman

Le massage pour femme enceinte offre de nombreux bienfaits pour la santé et le bien-être. Il réduit les douleurs musculaires et améliore la circulation, tout en favorisant une relaxation profonde.

Soulagement des douleurs corporelles : Adaptés aux changements physiologiques, mes massages ciblent et apaisent efficacement les douleurs spécifiques des femmes enceintes.

Réduction des tensions du dos : Grâce à des techniques spéciales, je soulage les tensions du dos, courantes durant la grossesse, améliorant ainsi la posture.


  • Massage relaxant femme enceinte 1h00
    89,00 €
  • Massage relaxant femme enceinte 1h30
  • Massage relaxant femme enceinte 2h00

Massage découverte

45 min hors du temps


  • 45 min

    réalisé sur l’ensemble de la face arrière du corps

    79,00 €

Massage du dos

soulagez vos tensions 


  • 30 min
    59,00 €

Massage du visage et cuir chevelu

la tête dans les étoiles


  • 30 min
    47,00 €

Reflexologie Plantaire

Grâce à l’accupression sur la voûte plantaire, j’active tous les points énergétiques de votre corps. Vous vous sentirez légers, détendu et libéré de vos tensions tout en restant habillé.

Détente tes pieds/éliminer les tensions accumulées dans la journée


  • 30 min
    47,00 €
  • Reflexologie Plantaire 1h00
    89,00 €

Massage Hawaïen lomi-lomi

Tout en surface, sentez-vous enveloppé, bercé pour une détente optimale


  • Massage Hawaïen lomi-lomi 1h00
    89,00 €
  • Massage Hawaïen lomi-lomi 1h30
    139,00 €
  • Massage Hawaïen lomi-lomi 2h00
    185,00 €

Massage Enfant (à partir de 5 ans)

Même les enfants peuvent cumuler des tensions. Offrez-leur un moment de détente et de bonheur.


  • Massage Enfant 45 min
    55,00 €
  • Massage Enfant 1h00
    70,00 €

Kobido (origine japonaise) de la tête et du visage

Massage anti-âge / ultra repulpant.
Stimule les différentes parties du visage.
Active les systèmes énergétiques, lymphatique, circulatoire afin de resculpter votre visage et de redonner un coup d’éclat à votre peau.


  • Kobido de la tête et du visage 1h00
    89,00 €
  • Kobido de la tête et du visage 1h30
    139,00 €

Pack Fit & Relax

1h30 Bilan nutritionnel + 1h Massage

Stop à la junk food : Prenez du plaisir avec une nourriture saine, équilibrée et variée et profitez d’un massage au choix pour un moment de détente revitalisant.


  • Pack Fit & Relax 2H30
    215,00€ 210,00 €

Forfait 5 Massages


  • Forfait 5 Massages d'1h30
    750,00€ 675,00 €

Forfait 5 Massages


  • Forfait 5 Massages d'1h00
    500,00€ 450,00 €

Pack Prestige

1h30 bilan nutritionnel + 1h sport + de 1h massage


  • Pack Prestige 3h30
    295,00€ 249,00 €

Pack Relax and Fit

1h massage + 50mn sport


  • Pack Relax and Fit 1H50
    150,00 €

Apprentissage massage bébé

Les bienfaits du massage bébé à Carry-le-Rouet

Le massage bébé offre de nombreux avantages, tant pour le développement physique que pour le bien-être émotionnel de votre enfant.

Je propose des séances qui encouragent la détente et la croissance harmonieuse.

Amélioration de la circulation sanguine : Le massage stimule la circulation, essentiel pour un développement sain, et favorise une meilleure oxygénation des tissus.

Renforcement du système immunitaire : Le massage fortifie le système immunitaire, aidant votre bébé à mieux résister aux infections et à se remettre rapidement.

Développement du lien parent-enfant : Ces séances renforcent le lien affectif, créant des souvenirs précieux et améliorant la communication non verbale entre vous et votre enfant.


  • Massage bébé 1h30 à 2h
    145,00 €

Abhyanga Ayurvedic massage

Enveloping and relaxing, dissipating contractures. A blend of world techniques coupled with kinesitherapist expertise for a complete massage.


  • Massage Ayurvédique Abhyanga 1h00
    98,00 €
  • Massage Ayurvédique Abhyanga 1h30
  • Massage Ayurvédique Abhyanga 2h00

Absolute relaxation Signature massage

Multisensory, enveloping, fluid, precise, energetic, relaxing or toning, you’ll find the quintessence of all my techniques in this customized treatment.


  • Absolute relaxation Signature massage 1h30
    139,00 €
  • Absolute relaxation Signature massage 2h00

Massage Le Nirvana

Absolute relaxation for body & mind


  • 1h00
    89,00 €
  • 1h30
    139 €

Slimming drainage massage

The benefits of draining massage in Carry-le-Rouet

Discover the exceptional virtues of our specialized massages in Sausset-les-Pins. The slimming draining massage reduces cellulite and refines your figure, while the Ayurvedic massage promotes relaxation and improves sleep quality. Our anti-cellulite technique detoxifies and boosts blood and lymph circulation, bringing calm and serenity. These treatments also soothe back pain and headaches, while eliminating stress. Treat yourself to an experience of deep, rejuvenating well-being.


  • Massage drainant amincissant 1h00
    130,00 €
  • Massage drainant amincissant 1h30

Relaxing massage for pregnant women

Benefits of massage for mothers-to-be

Massage for pregnant women offers many benefits for health and well-being. It reduces muscular pain and improves circulation, while promoting deep relaxation.

Relief from body aches and pains: Adapted to physiological changes, my massages effectively target and soothe the specific aches and pains of pregnant women.

Reducing back tension: Using special techniques, I relieve back tension common during pregnancy, improving posture.


  • Relaxing massage for pregnant women 1h00
    89,00 €
  • Relaxing massage for pregnant women 1h30
  • Relaxing massage for pregnant women 2h00

Massage discovery

45 min out of time


  • 45 min.

    performed on the entire back of the body

    79,00 €

Back massage

relieve tension


  • 30 min
    59,00 €

Face and scalp massage

head in the stars


  • 30 min.
    47,00 €

Foot Reflexology

Using pressure on the arch of the foot, I activate all your body’s energy points. You’ll feel light, relaxed and free of tension while still dressed.

Relax your feet/eliminate tension accumulated during the day


  • 30 min
    47,00 €
  • Reflexologie Plantaire 1h00
    89,00 €

Hawaiian lomi-lomi massage

All on the surface, feel enveloped and cradled for optimum relaxation


  • Massage Hawaïen lomi-lomi 1h00
    89,00 €
  • Massage Hawaïen lomi-lomi 1h30
    139,00 €
  • Massage Hawaïen lomi-lomi 2h00
    185,00 €

Children's massage (from age 5)

Even children can accumulate tensions. Give them a moment of relaxation and happiness.


  • Children's massage 45 min
    55,00 €
  • Children's massage 1h00
    70,00 €

Kobido (Japanese origin) for the head and face

Anti-ageing/ultra-plumping massage.
Stimulates the different parts of the face.
Activates the energy, lymphatic and circulatory systems to resculpt your face and restore radiance to your skin.


  • Kobido de la tête et du visage 1h00
    89,00 €
  • Kobido de la tête et du visage 1h30
    139,00 €

Fit & Relax Pack

1h30 Nutritional assessment + 1h Massage

Stop junk food: enjoy a healthy, balanced and varied diet and a massage of your choice for a revitalizing moment of relaxation.


  • 2H30 Fit & Relax Pack
    215,00€ 210,00 €

5 Massages Package


  • Package of 5 Massages of 1h30
    750,00€ 675,00 €

5 Massages Package


  • Package of 5 Massages of 1h00
    500,00€ 450,00 €

Prestige Pack

1h30 nutritional assessment + 1h sport + 1h massage


  • Prestige Pack 3h30
    295,00€ 249,00 €

Relax and Fit Pack

1h massage + 50mn sport


  • 1H50 Relax and Fit Pack
    150,00 €

Baby massage training

The benefits of baby massage in Carry-le-Rouet

Baby massage offers many benefits, both for your child’s physical development and emotional well-being.

I offer sessions that encourage relaxation and harmonious growth.

Improved blood circulation: Massage stimulates circulation, essential for healthy development, and promotes better oxygenation of tissues.

Boosting the immune system: Massage fortifies the immune system, helping your baby to better resist infection and recover quickly.

Developing the parent-child bond: These sessions strengthen the emotional bond, creating precious memories and improving non-verbal communication between you and your child.


  • Baby massage 1h30 to 2h
    145,00 €